Well you may notice my blogs really are not that active anymore.. Not just not having enough time nowadays its also the lack of wanting to actually sit behind a computer when the sun is roaring down! But now we hit November it is starting to cool down slightly in malaga.. although the days are still beach weather the nights and morning cools nicely. Ive been gigged out and been working from nerja right down the coast to san pedro / marbella.

The gigs have been varied from large hotels some seating 600+ to small bars that have 50-60 people in so its been great! Met some lovely people along the way! Looking forward to my xmas gigs which ive booked right through now which is good. Ive added quite a lot of new songs that broaden my music scope for places ive been playing. Also added a few new bits to my hardware for the gigs and shows, lights / pedals / stands and also added a dedicated phone which i use for live cam and also video and photo footage along the way.

Please visit my youtube channel for some of my new show videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/wayneward1972

Thank you for checking me out!

Technology changes ive added a note 8 which is a awesome phone and a massive addition and sound difference to the shows. Tech wise i dumped tablets and just use the PC for heavy coding and still use the old trusty dell xps ubuntu edition which today just loaded with fresh ubuntu 17.10 installs which is awesome!! Check this..

get your free copy here https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/1710

Ive been that busy i really havent had time to use computers but im coding some sites our this week while it goes a bit quiet for a week. Business wise im selling beer with my company craft on the coast up and down the coast again which we are picking up some loose ends this week and pushing some beer into new bars. Computer wise ive dropped computer repairs and reinstalls totally and im just concentrating on websites. Ive also dropped IPTV and droid boxes as i found it more to be favors which no body really appreciated and ended up being just a loss of time like computers! I will still carry out remote work for my good existing customers though 😉 

Its been nice to see the family and friends who have been to visit and i thank them from the bottom of my heart for coming to spend precious time with us. You all know who you are.

Ive set my recording gear back up and ready for doing some recording over the xmas period so ill post some fantastic new tracks for you to listen to and enjoy hopefully!

Got some new plans and projects for the new year with the music that ill be posting about in the new year!… watch this space.

Any way i finish my November blog and say peace and love to all. December is just around the corner so please get ready for the festive period and have a great time.

ps if you havent listened t o liam gallaghers new album GET IT – its top end and not a band song on it!! -check out china town and paper crown.. as you were….



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