a random check in! Hola!

Just a random check in! just to keep people entertained whats going on in my life! Well im nicely settled in our house in spain now – We have been working hard to get work both in selling beer and playing music. Dont get me wrong its not all easy its taken till now to get all the business and documentation thats required so its been hard and now we are just growing nicely. All the things people told me i could do i basically did! the old one about getting into the health system and the biggest joke > your house might get knocked down and all this is just one big fat joke! listed if you want to move to another country for what ever reason you have just do it, make sure you have a trade and not just wanting to bum of the state and make sure you do your homework and in my case years of ground work! Luckily enough we have good business and met some friends you couldn’t buy in the UK! We have had the good people we love visit us and we have big respect for them coming out of there way to see how we live and enjoy our company. Were lucky we have a nice little car and a lovely scooter for when we do actually need wheels.. Life changes out here and you don’t want to be using transport if you can help it let alone having to watch mountains of rubbish on the old TV because its to cold to do anything! People say do you miss the UK you look like your enjoying yourself!? im like are you kissing its well down the pan and has been for years, nothing going on, scruffy and all that as well as the country has no spine and is being taken right under there nose! I didnt like watching that happen so i said good bye to it all, which is hard being a english man.

Any way we have a new addition to the family… no we never bought a kid! ..meet fredo – out maltese

he is cool and such a lovely dog. but dont be fooled by this fur ball he is also known as the town nutter and wrecks balconies!!! This is him posing after his haircut in benalmadena!

Anyway ive been playing quite a lot of gigs out here and get quite established ive managed to cover from torremolinos right down to marbella so far! its been great added loads of new songs to my setup and ive just been added to a massive gig thats coming of in September in benalmadena auditorium  – look out for me on the coast i go out as GET BACK!! as per usual i do sixties / blues / beatles and rock and roll and getting quite well noticed! like any place they need something fresh and a lot of people like to see musicians loaded with guitars in there hands and also be able to use them!

Ive seen some dribble out here and ive seen some good but thats got to stay in my mind and thoughts you never seen this

I acquired a tc helicon harmony gt-x which i havent had time to use for the harmonies yet! but used the delays and revers and slap back delays which are awesome, ill get to use the harmony stuff soon im sure when i do my next acoustic session that includes using a PA! i also added a behringer 300 watt sub to my system (stage pass 600w) which has added a whole new dimension to the sound giving it that bottom end it requires !! BOOOOM!

Dont seem to do much with the computers much now – i dont see so many people using them out here but were in season so its to hot to be sat around key tapping see how this goes out of season im not that bothered to be honest i cant tell you the amount of idiots ive put up with over the past fifteen / twenty years with computers, real nutters! ha sad really but true.

So are there anythings i dont like about spain?

  • I was going to say it gets to hot but i cant really can i!? 
  • Mosquitos – i hate the bastards!
  • Cockroaches – im getting used to the oversized horrible things
  • People dont move out of the way when you walking down the street
  • People stand in the middle of the pavement blocking it chatting!

I cant complain the weather is stable (hot) the beach is good, the bars and beer and wine are just amazing, the places we travel to are simply amazing, all the people we have met are amazing, the gigs are amazing, the lifestyle is amazing its just amazing!! and its just festival after festival – music and more music !!!!!

Seeing the way the families are out here makes me wish i was born here! the children have great respect for there parents none of this favoritism going on just so laid back its nice to see what others have the privilege of enjoying and growing with there children and families properly like it should be. I give respect for this.

So if any of my UK people ever make malaga just pm me ill come and have that wine and a tapas or two.

Thank you for tuning in and reading about my life, don’t forget if people think you cant do something and they say you are in a bubble – just do it, if you want something bad enough you get it. 

Peace and love xx  Amor Malaga


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