slide time

Been scouting around for that weekly jam, i used to run my own in the UK for quite a while now but the problem you got there is you get the muso who just likes music and is a good person then you get the other dregs who are just a liability and think the world owe them something – so its a lot easier to sink into other jams and loose the hassle! to be honest the people i been jamming with in spain are just happy and getting on with the jam i havent seen the drama and politics which is just up my street! So my first jam experience was pogs in fuengirola.

The location is good and venue is good but here in spain things start late like the jam kicks in at ten at night!! which is cool if you live in the town but if you like a drink which we tend to do when jamming then a taxi home can set you back 30 euros!! Now the band was pretty pro top notch musicians and to me tended to be more of a gig than a jam… the place was bouncing and the band was spot on, had a chat to the guys and they were all cool and didnt mind if i racked up next week with my amp and guitar and did a few. Now the drummer i went with did ask about 4 times if he could have a go and was told he could but never played so not so sure – but go and try and enjoy the night the place was bouncing!! No craft ale as such but the wheat beer is like amazing.

The second jam which was amazing but we had a little problem with the sat nav and ended up riding round a montain for two hours with a gibson strapped to my back on the scooter made this a bigger adventure than what we bargained for!! The place is a outside venue with bar and stage and the most amazing scenery is Asociación “Ventorrillo El Cura” now this was like one of my jams! people just getting up and mixing and what a great day! the audience was great the place was buzzing and all the musos were just amazing. Really enjoyed jamming out some blues with these guys and the musician quality was top notch. These are the kind of guys i wanna jam with. 

The location is around 10 / 15 minutes from malaga – here is the map


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