havent blogged for a while!! but ive decided to give facebook a break for a while 🙂

ive got quiet a few macs kicking around the hose and was just looking for another mac mini for the back of the house – i found a old shuttle computer amd 3000 with nforce and a beefy nvidia card so i thought id try some hackintosh just to save a few quid! seeing ive got a couple of grand sat in apple macs why shouldnt i get a treat !! anyway i torrented idenneb 10.5.6 burnt the iso to a dvd and booted of it – selected a few items on the added options – nvidia injector / ac97 audio / nforce drivers. Clicked install and 20 mins later – mac osx running a treat !!! sound works 100% and tested games 3D acceleration no problems !!! gta vice city with crossover games and sims 3 worked fine. I dont t hink its fair just start hacking your boxes to unlicenced copies of apple mac osx but if you have payed quiet a lot of money out why the hell shouldnt you get a treat !

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