We decided after 4 years it was time to take a short break and visit our old place we used to live! To see family and friends!

Our flight was delayed and passport control at liverpool is a joke! At least the have IPA on the flights with easy jet!!

We got into morecambe around 4 and headed straight to the Morecambe hotel where we had our hotel reservation and the first thing was a pint of there fantastic craft beer!!!

Great to be back in the morecambe hotel this was my local when i lived in morecambe it has the best service here and the food and beer are fantastic.

This was amazing!! We got booked into our hotel room which we loved!

We decided to head out as we wanted to try the new curry house on skipton street mumbai number 9! So we headed central wetherspoons for a cheap beer!

The beer is cheap in wetherspoons the bars a bit rough and lots of wreck heads in here! We walked through the arndale which was like the dawn of the dead how things have changed shame to see so many places closed and boarded up. A group of four lads drunk tried to get me to ho over for a fight outside wethers i told them to f off and went in for my beer – typical.

We headed over to mumbai 9 which is brand new and was presented with a menu and a beer really fast and out came the starters.

It didnt take long for the main course which was plentiful and very tasty and the right heat although it wasnt nothing like a traditional madras i ordered i still really enjoyed it!

The service at mumbai nine is fabulous id highly recommend this restaurant. It would be nice to see this restaurant with out the awful patched rough antique ceilings and id loose the carpet and laminate it tidy the walls up get rid of the old tack then you got a winner its got the service and a fantastic menu – good luck to these people!

We moved onto the platform pub to meet my dad for the beatle concert in the platform. The staff told us we would have to move from our table as it was reserved and came back to remind us although nobody was here for the table – rude crappy place wont return here bad luck table! Wasnt cheap either.

We headed over to watch the upbeat Beatles in the platform not bad at 30 quid a throw and they had a full house! Thank you to adam for recognizing me on the entry list!! nice beers available and we got great seats!

The show kicked in at they did a great job of going through the years! I have to say ringo shone and george was fab if only they had is guitar better in the mix! The abbey road years was the best for the band.

We had a fab time and headed back to the morecambe hotel to drink till last orders and get warm!!

I lit up the bath in our room and said id use this the next night!!!!

We woke up to a cold grey morning with condensation on the windows it was fresh but a grey day with no sky to be seen!!!! we had seen half a day of lovely day on the first day its a shame its not always like that!

We headed down for breakfast and a lovely pot of warm tea!

The breakfast had it all has to be the best breakfast ive ever had in england!!!

We got prepped up and had a beer and set to take on the day!!!

We took a walk down the promenade to look at the sunday market and behold the clock tower clock has been fixed finally must be like 20 years its been broke!!!!!!

We went to the outside market which if it was my choice id close it and then the inside market which was a bit iffy but picked up some vinyl at the cheapest price ever!!!!

My dad come over and we took like over to see her mum and megan – was lovely to see them after all this time!

All lisas family and children and grandchildren was really fantastic she is lucky to have such fantastic family they really are a credit to her.
Me and dad had a beer in toby cavery which is fantastic great to see michelle and jacks and my old partner in crime homer! The food here looks fab! Im going here next time it was also fully reserved which is a good sign! Fantastic place!

We blasted over to the william Mitchell which is a fab comfortable bar! i tried a low alcohol craft as its going to be a long day!

We headed back to the morecambe for a full day of friends and family!!

We had a fantastic time!

Absolutely love a full day with my best mate dan – was fantastic to catch up with him i miss him so much.

And back with the crew julie and mark is always fantastic!!!!!

We stayed till closing time having a damn good catch up with good friends we are so lucky to have!! absolutely brilliant!! ❤️

I did what i promised and took a pint up and run me a deep bubble bath this was absolutely fantastic!!!!!

We had a fantastic night’s sleep the bed is mega comfy and we packed up ready to have breakfast.

Absolutely love poached eggs and we was so privileged to have our breakfast with dan the owner, he is a lovely guy and great friend i miss having chats with him – thank you dan any amy and all your wonderful staff for giving us hospitality we have never experienced before anywhere.

We started the next part of our journey with being picked up by lisas dad heading over to there house for a catch up! great to see david and the kids, fantastic children!

We left our luggage and took denise up on the lift into morecambe to have lunch with lisas family in wetherspoons.

The children was so well behaved and we had some fantastic meals come out! We went to the royal to meet my dad as we was moving onto my mums house for the might. I wasnt impressed at all i have to say they have ruined its heart and soul in this refurb! The staff are lovely and well priced beer! But the refurb left me in a state of shock! Oh well things have to change i guess!!!! We moved on over to hest bank which i didnt know till now is lancaster which is bizarre!! Lovely being back in my birth town and stopping there for the night! So we stopped of at the craft ale bar the crossing which is fantastic!!!

I managed to throw down a few choice craft ales before dropping my luggage and guitar of at my mums! We was heading over to the hest bank hotel to meet our last bunch of close friends and my brother gaz!

We had craft beers and a couple of choice craft beers and had a great catch up! Steak was fantastic and the service here is bang on id highly recommend this! We moved on back over to my mums new place for a good yarn before a good nights sleep!

We was up early as my sister was coming over and we got stuck into the food my mum had got in for us! Every delight you can imagine!!! As we was catching up we got a message from our dog sitter saying the storm had freaked our dog and he bolted at 5 in the morning!!!!! I wasnt impressed like WTF!! I called torrox police and took to facebook!! Which actually saved him!! He ran around for around 7 hours in the storm till he found the bar we drink in every week!!!!! They noticed him and grabbed him and let us know! So the dog sitter picked him up she was distraught bless her! So panic over we got dropped at the airport by beansy who is a fantastic taxi driver and friend he made this all very smooth for us!! We managed to check my hofner violin bass in ok and we headed for the craft ale bar for a couple of pints!

We had a great flight and landed back in spain safely and headed straight for the car to go pick up the dog as we was in panic mode!!

We got reunited with our pooch and picked up a curry to take home to eat in bed we was starving!

It was fantastic being in England for a few days catching up with all friends and family thank you everyone! We are glad to be back home in spain its a lot warmer!!! See you all again in 2025!