yer its been a while – check my new hendrix picture i created! <- over there ;)
dont you just love it – ive decided to turn my back room / office into a rock and roll shrine!
Ive ordered some prints for my unique beatles picture…
Well again ive been buy as ive now knocked all the domestic work on the head for reasons such as
Bringing the computer back a year later and saying i never did it right! scratty trouble makers saying I sold em a pile of shit when they know it wasnt and people like asking you to go do a job I dont so they come to my house and offer me a fiver ppphhff you get the picture
so now im 100% commercial – networks – websites – VPN’s – optimisation and work only for businesses – plus my new policy I will work for any company the ones that pay straight away get my fast track service others well they just have to wait im afraid I cant be assed chasing cash.
So yes its going great infact im better of since I did this just ashame for the decent people who appreciate me and pay well.

Global band network is going to get pushed this year Ive put so many hours into coding the site now I need to populate it – ive give it a overall and its functionality is great now I also plugged a iPhone app into the site which works well. Musician search and soon im adding the shop 🙂

Gigs going well – did my first gig last night at the uni with black heart afterglow which was pretty good apart from the sound enginners were dunb as per usual and got feedback and generally didnt have a clue as per usual! the ashdown amp i used was a pile of shit I only use pro style trace elliot rack systems anything else is shit and designed for amateurs ! well we played well set was spot on – got some good feedback – looking forward to playing yorkshire house as he is a good engineer and not a bad rig. Got pissed on 6 beer tokens and had great phone when we did the photo shoot looking forward to the pics coming back – some metal band was on which werent bad shit singer like but good band – convulsions were on last and the guitarist started being a prick with me as he said I was at there gig and was giving him shit but i put him right as the silly cunt got me up to play zep rock and roll on bass – prick.
The hecklers are currently looking for a vocalist although rehearsals are going very well have a poke round my sound cloud to hear how the 1st and 2nd rehearsals here

“Its by far the best band i played in – pure talent.”

Just finished another site this time for suzanne jackson – nice jewellery site with shopping cart – take look here


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