Great weekend ! started friday went slightly out of town to meet the drummer ive been looking for … top notch got plenty of experience under his belt couldnt have found a better person – decent person – true musician and on the same level as me which is hard to find! so was just looking for the frontman / guitarist which to be honest there is no rush ive rushed before and you dont get 1st class so we will see the guy ive been talking to has some festival work and his voice sounds spot on! plus i like the guitarist he has sounded pretty to notch …. watch this space i will bring the best band into lancaster as intended ………..
ended up in the park friday night after my meeting with the drummer.. got wasted and got up and played guitar and sang a few tunes – sometimes i just suprise my self when im on form spot on well enjoyed it! dan played well.. then up saturday with a small hang over to set the gear up in a conservitary on a house for a party! started at 3 and rolled on till 9 – nice long gig with some varied music – also had a spot on the acoustic bass were we backed up les the guy who setup the party with a bit of blues and stuff which sounded great! dan went home to put his feet up and i hit lancaster! met my dad in the stonewell tavern to watch citizens band… top notch set golly played well – derek was on form with his mouth harp! got very intoxicated with my old man and took a vindaloo home!
so im sat here feeling quiet tired on a sunday watching some 007!
but im hungry to watch more bands i see golly is playing at the park 2night with a screaming lord sutch tribute vocalist and my friends revolver are hitting ma murpheys! so might just have a few out in town
then back to work this week as my partner fred is coming soon from america so need plenty of pennies for our outing to liverpool and london… good times ahead..
got the range rover ready just put some new tyres on which cost a small fortune but hey its a range what do you expect – keep riding high 😉
plenty of websites on this week and repairs business is good.
Good to see my dad today i added this great picture of him with golly last night…

last points of the day….
well lets hope this band gets moving this week although there are some points which must not be overlooked .. no bad timing and bad fills – fresh material – and most certainly no vocals in unison now that would be real crap ?! ha…

wardism is cool – i love you all 🙂


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