well its been a bit hectic ive been snowed under since i stopped doing domestic work! and the weather has been shit! im having to get another battery for the range as the cold weather has killed mine 🙁
well its been crazy latley with work and with music to be honest ive never had so many rehearsals and gigs madness
Things are going well with blackheart afterglow had some great gigs – yorkshire house was cool and we are quite well booked into the next year now 🙂
I played the full weekend this week end which I enjoyed – friday was different played for keith franklin for his birthday – me and dan and johny nash on drums
got really trashed on JD – saturday went to my watering hole the george and watched idol minds for a few songs.
dan rang me to play guitar sunday as his lass was due the baby and he may of had to leave early so i could take over. Wrennie was on aswell and dan had to leave so me and ste took over the gig and it went great!! young jefferorson moore got up and played some cool guitar and his farther geoff played some bass with us – makes it all different and good to watch – peoples comments were nice – people couldnt belive how well we played – took our jodie she really enjoyed it 🙂
well rehearsal 2morro night with bhag then another one thursday with my band hecklers which should be cool then out gigging friday
got all my bits together for the new fretless im building – she is called number 2 – no fret lines and natural jazz like number one – i tend to use the fretless always now its a whole lot better for original stuff and kicks asss on the zep / who stuff
although i have been looking at another alembic series one for next year with side LEDS! ive got some big gigs coming of next year so might aswell get my moneys worth out of the bass – ive had a few alembics and they were always sat in the case unless we got a gig which was hardly? so cashed in!
just watched the day john lennon died such a loss to the music business – so much talent – its a great life being a musician and mixing with so many talented people – its funny even before he died he said he loved mccartney even though they didnt talk – they did all that time together shared good times – its been damn great getting back with dan and steve – makes me realise how good we was together pure talent. We have such good memories

got a server to configure this week and a couple of draytek 2820 routers which are cool and some y-cams – all good stuff – have to go and fix another BT router god they are crap lock up like daily ?!
got some new services i will be adding to my business in the new year involving CCTV and business pbx Voip systems which is exciting – so watch this space ..
Got a couple of domestic jobs that have crept through over the past couple of weeks and thats it as from the new year I wont be doing a single one !!!! i cant understand how some of my mates think i can do jobs for free or like a tenner! how can you pay your bills with that!! so my masterplan is going well zero tolerance 🙂

Got the Ycams going in my house after i had some robbing twats in my house – they send instant email / text message to mobile and offload footage of site and then i can view on the iphone so next time they will be recorded – scum
we have our 2 xmas trees up and are ready for xmas – ive decided to work through and take xmas day and boxing day off for the jam day this year! rock and roll xmas

before i go id like to say congratulations to my old pal dan and tor on the birth of there new baby girl today at 7pm 🙂

watch this space wardster fans


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