just getting round to a quick blog… its been kinda without my macbook
although using a normal laptop is pretty shite i like using linux again infact ubuntu has matured hell of a lot lately support for like skype and other proggies like spotify is great to see!
anyway weekend has been a mad one with gigs started saturday at the stonewell with blackheart afterglow at a private party – my mate belly was doing the DJ’ing and the theme was like old skool funk – i loved it !! real funk some shit i never heard real funk is awesome!! band played well – i need to get myself a mark bass or a TC electronic this year as im not in for lugging this trace elliot around anymore 🙁 although its the best and ill never get anything like it im just getting to struggle on my own with the amp and its not very often you get offered a lift with it…. ill keep you posted on the amp i go with 🙂
played guitar sunday @ the park – bloody great day! i played electric acoustic for the first round and then tried the ricky copy which sounded bloody great! then kicked some ass on the last spot on my beloved strat! great gig!
looking forward to rehearsal with new band this week and the gigs lined up for next week – im just loving music at the moment
im defo going to strip the body for my unlined fretless this week its waiting for me ….
im liking this blogging client in ubuntu called drivel nice easy and lean woks well only a couple of things I can pick it on when adding the site you have to add the url you have to put the full url which is a bit akward if your not a techie it needs a option to say its wordpress and add the last part to the domain automatically as you have to insert this: http://your_wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php
and one the category is a drop down box so you can only select one category? i prefer to add more than one category because i tend to blog on multiple categories so im going to remove it!! and go back to lekhonee!!


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