Getting closer to writing a decent blog on the google android linux phone! I like to use it for a good week first to see its real good points and bad points. A few things that spring to mind ..
Major hang up is no on screen virtual keyboard which would be better than flippin the phone open everytime I want to reply to a quick text!
I’ve managed to suss out how to write to my blog through the browser on the google phone ill blog this but it was a real pain!
One big pain in the ass is the charger socket! Try use the keyboard on the phone with it plugged in!! Madness who designed and tested this….
One thing I am happy about is I’ve got a irc client working now and I have root on the phone!! Yes you heard I am root and have busybox installed so I’m at home in the linux box!!!
I have a precompiled sshd and ssh here the ssh works fine but need to make a sshd config for sshd – I have use the deadly telnet service a few times till I configure it.
Take a look @


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