Finally its ready for landing, the app ive been waiting for! Since i got my first ubuntu BQ device, the ubuntu 4.5 of the first flash sale ive been having to hack my phone into RW mode just to get syncing, but now Dan Wood has brought us this great bit of kit!owncloud ubuntu touch

its not released yet and still in beta, but ive been fortunate enought to test on the phone and the tablet. There is still some testing going on but i have to say the owncloud syncers are gonna love this! The app will log you in and let you add folders to sync locally and show remote folders, so no fidgeting about with config files, which was always a pain, plus having to be RW mode was always dodgy. In application you can remove folders you add by simply swiping across and trashing, you can also set to only sync on wifi or enable sync on data connections plus you can set how often you want to sync to save battery etc. You can stop the sync and start the sync and just run manual syncs if you want to say add something quickly down or up from the cloud which is handy!

I talked to Dan about adding the SD card and he explained this was on purpose to stop people accidentally adding the wrong folder and screwing up there phones! which to me was pretty right, but all the stuff i sync are on the 64 gig sd card and in the hidden local share directory.

So i did this:

ln -s .local/share/ Apps
ln -s /media/phablet/sdcardnumber Sdcard

This adds the SD card into the home directory and also the apps settings so you can say sync your mywebsite bookmarks or recording from recorder or better still your tasks from the canonical task app! (something you should be able to do out of the box!)

Ive talked to Dan about adding the calendar and contacts, which can still be done by a simple script and the device doesnt need to be RW and this may be a feature worth adding which we will know about soon! Ive been running this app for a week and its been 100% so look out soon because its ready for a launch id say…..

Project page

We use telegram for all our communications if your wanting more information use that or drop me or dan a email 🙂

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