quick up date for getting the ubuntu phone emulator running currently on 10.1 is here – there hasnt been a update since novermber apparently and ive being struggling like hell to get this running . So now you can write apps and test all on your computer or laptop again. To be honest be nice to see the SDK running on the ubuntu m10, there was a click package on the list which was a test SDK but i never got it to load. I can see it working soon though.

But if your running xenial 16.04 run these commands after installing the SDK in a terminal.

sudo ubuntu-emulator create –channel ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu stable-test
ubuntu-emulator run stable-test

Workspace 1_003

i finish of by adding a armhf kit instructions i got from here



    1. Open Tools > Options.
    2. Select Ubuntu in the vertical panel on the left of the Options dialog.
    3. Select the Click tab.
      • Click Create Click Target to create a new target.
      • In the popup dialog, select your target framework and armhf as the architecture.
    4. Enter password and select ok

oh and a sneak preview of the health update..



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