Some serious technology changes kick in recently

some with the change of life and some because its just required!

before all this i dumped the bq ubuntu phone which wasnt cutting it and since then been dropped as well as unity desktop … aggghhhh!

First of all i dump the new bq x5 i bought, personally its the best phone ive had and was sad to par twith it but it went to good hands. I got me a samsung note 4 as needed the bigest screen i could get my hands on for my gigs im doing with backing tracks and the note 4 just cuts it in all aspects to the point when when the note 8 gets released ill probably break the bank and get one! the resolution is high as well is the spec! plus it works nicely for NFC payments. Im using songer pro on the droid to load my backing track sets and can use it to cue the songs along which is handy 

also i used this but it was bugggy as hell and crashed a lot, not something id trust on a live performance!!

the next big thing was upgrading to the samsung gear 3, now misfit buys pebble out and then dump all the existing pebble watch updates, so my 250 quid pebble steel just went down the pan. The samsung gear 3 is great but the battery lasts me 2 days compared to the 6 days on the pebble?! but hey ho goes cap in hand with the samsung note 4 and so to be 8 ! so i took the plunge – check this..

samsung gripes. samsung pay isnt now on the note 4 which is rubbish as i can still use pay using likes of android pay etc. the samsung gear 3 advertises it can do nfc payment but you cant install samsung pay on the watch as you cant install it on the phone?! so i have t wait till they push it standalone in a update. come on samsung get with it.


Well ubuntu dropped unity – which shocked me, but to be honest i had a couple of ubuntu phones and they just didnt cut it so wasnt surprised when they dropped the phone but was surprised with the dropping of unity! So i noticed they were switching to gnome so seeing 17.04 was released i just took the plunge on desktop and laptop and did two ne 17.04 installs along with the gnome desktop so i used the gnome ubuntu edition. Love it now gnome was the first desktop i used on linux and switched from kde to gnome mainly. Gnomes come on leaps and bounds almost like a mac in simplicity and ease of use but more how can i say configurable, with this i dumped thunderbird which doesnt look the best of mail clients and dropped back into evolution mail. Ill be honest its like a new lease of linux life and really enjoying it. Im looking forward to the new additions of apps that are lined up for gnome and new features coming in ill be doing some reviews.

here is some eye candy!

Last but not least i have some new kit im just testing out for my acoustic show – 

TC-Helicon Harmony-G XT
Boss RC-30 Dual Track Looper
Now  im just waiting on the looper but once i get these two together and have a month with them ill do a review on these and talk you through them.
Now thats a lot of technology change, but its all forward.

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