I see the new OS X Mountain Lion software is available on the 25th July 2012
Indications of it costing around 13-19 dollars which is so cheap but so worth it I guess.
I noticed they’ve added iMessage in and a growl type notification system and some security update gate keeper I’m not sure what that does but macs are pretty solid when it comes to security so this will make it bomb proof!!
I usually go for a clean install but I’m pretty happy with my mac at the moment so I’ll probably but it and upgrade from the app store. Things have come a long way for apple in the past five years, I’m glad really because people say they are expensive but I say they are a investment and the software upgrades (new versions) are priced very reasonable.
Do yourself a big favour make the change buy a apple mac and unleash the new OS X Mountain Lion software let it roar 🙂


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