My blog urls had numbers on the heading instead of the name of the blog – its easy to fix on wordpress ! follow these steps to fix great for SEO   🙂

How to Put Your Post Titles into Your URLs in WordPress

WordPress makes it easy for you to change your URLs, a.k.a. permalinks.

  1. Log into your WordPress blog.

  2. Click "Options". It’s near the top of the screen.

  3. Click "Permalinks". It’s just below the line that says "Dashboard Write Manage…" (etc).

  4. Before you change anything, make sure that you don’t have a category that conflicts with one of WordPress’ scripts or directory names. For example, check to see that you don’t have a category by the name of wp-admin. If you do, you should change your category names first before proceeding.

    Scroll down to the "Common options" section and select "Custom, specify below". In the box below, type "/%category%/%postname%/" without the opening and closing inverted commas (quotes). Click "Update Permalink Structure".

  5. You should see a message that says, "Permalink structure updated". If you get a message that says something like "If this file were writable you could edit it" together with a box showing you the contents of a .htaccess file, it means that your web host configured PHP so that it could not write to your web directories.


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