Poulton, the good, the bad and the ugly…

Poulton is a small part of morecambe, what i believe to stretch out so far as the york hotel and the bull hotel, people might beg to differ, i dont care this is what i see to be poulton.  In the small area is some great little watering holes on offer to the sangarians or what ever the name is!?! in the main town of morecambe we have the palentine and the royal / pier which are well worth a look but lets look what little poulton area has to offer. Bearing in mind all this boozers have the same low end carlsberg /fosters low end lager but some stretch past that and offer the quality we deserve….

The Morecambe Hotelmorecambe hotel




This is the one and only place that has it all, you name it – the best thing i can do it bullet point it and then hit the facts.

  • Restaurant
  • Craft ales
  • Beer garden
  • Smoking area
  • Disabled access
  • Function / meeting room
  • Cocktails
  • Bar snacks
  • Hotel rooms
  • Childrens play area
  • Parking area (coming soon)
  • Camra Discount
  • Pay by card
  • Website
  • Online bookings
  • Social interaction

This place was taken from the old run down scruffy old morecambe hotel and made into as what i can only describe as the best boozer in the whole town! It has craft ales and craft lagers and even cocktails! The beer is kept at its best and has the best variation ive seen. The food is another thing, the food here is perfect from the steaks, fish and chips right to the sunday lunches and the great sharing platters are out of this world. The facility to book group meals in the private room upstairs is a great idea. If you fancy a meal out on the sunday and want to take the kids its kitted outside with a kids play area. The refurb really created a fine establishment here and hopefully will start to make people realise running other badly run pubs near by whats required, something to higher the standards to. The staff have come together quite nicely here and work well as a team. Congratulations we have a winner. The good, the best. On a final note if you liked to be looked after by the owners and the staff this is the place to be looked after. Take a look at the website here or twitter https://twitter.com/Morecambe_Hotel or facebook https://www.facebook.com/theMorecambeHotel

The Bull Hotel

bull hotel



Cracking little boozer, always busy, plenty of regulars. Andy is doing a good job of running it although liked it when bryn had it as he chucked me a few gigs here and there but hey ho that has no bearing on the pub review as i still drink in the pub regular.

  • Craft ales
  • Karaoke
  • Bingo
  • Beer garden
  • Darts
  • Pool
  • Slot machines
  • Sometimes live music
  • Bar snacks
  • No card payment
  • No Camra

Doesnt really need anything the pub, ive always said it needs a card payment, ive never really understand why it doesnt? and a camra discount is a no goer because the beer is sooo cheap as it is. Be nice to see the live music back at least once a week instead of the idiots on the karaoke, but again of thats what the regulars want then go for it! Im personally not one for morecambe town in the evening because of the type of idiots that populate it! and although this pub is on the edge id give it a go for sure 🙂

The York

york hotel


You’ll find this pub as you are just entering morecambe, ideal place to stop before you enter the town and have some refreshments.

  • Craft ales
  • Beer garden
  • Function / meeting rooms
  • Bar snacks
  • Hotel room
  • Tea time food
  • Pay by card
  • Occasional live music
  • Car park

Well what can i say, This place has so much potential, Its been taken over from mick, which was a great landlord and a great guy i just feel his partner let the place down, not being able to take her drink and get nasty, i know this because it happened to me! So we did stop visiting until recently it was taken over. Now we enjoy a beer around the york specially if we can get a nice day and its a sun trap on the back and we have the crack with the regulars which is fun! The craft ales can be a bonus in this pub as it seems to be on a different brewery from the rest of all the other pubs and gets some cask ales in you would never see which gives it a edge. All the staff and locals are friendly enough and hardly a clicky joint! The downside of the pub is that the brewery wont shell to update the place and with out slating the place it does need it! Ok the beers cheap so put it up a bit and make the investment. lets have the york decorated and looking good, lets have a bit of live entertainment on a friday or saturday. Do it up and get the function room advertised for use – get some bands on in the back room. This has the potential to be a great boozer but not the backing from the brewery, which hopefully doesnt run the place into the ground like other pubs run by greedy brewerys – im for one a local and would not mind paying a slight more ontop of the cheap good craft ale i get to see this place be brought up to better standards. Give the york a go its a cracking boozer its one i go for one and have six usually!…


The Smugglers Den

smugglers den



The oldest pub in morecambe, with tails of tunnels running through morecambe for the pirates, and hauntings in the pub!..

Unfortunately the smugglers den has now been closed for a year but soon to be open again im told by some new people from out of town. I was lucky to have this pub for a year and thats when the pub came back to its former glory, shortly to be taken by some pot smokers who ran her into the ground. The brewery managers were on the take and blaming including me the past 3 managers before of the beer being down which was a load of nonsense. When this pub was running in all its glory this was what i made available.

  • Craft ales
  • Bar snacks
  • Tea time food
  • Sandwiches
  • Live music
  • Karaoke
  • Beer garden
  • Bar snacks
  • Darts
  • Poker
  • Bar Games
  • Sky sports
  • Pub background music
  • Open wood fire
  • Ukulele nighs
  • Neighborhood watch meetings
  • Camra discount
  • No card payment

This i hope gets taken over by the right people and looked after as its a proper british little boozer with so much potential. Here is some tips. Do not get mixed up with the brewery or managers it was tied into 100% and dont let it turn into the clicky little place for the few guys who drink at the end of the bar and think its there pub! and last but not least dont let the scruffy people who have there dogs on the seats, behind the bar and all that carry on happen. Its disgusting. Please run this pub properly!! 🙂


The pub is now open!! Ive visited and met the new landlord and lady and they are lovely people! the pub has been cleaned and lots of work carried out and im glad to say they have a great range of craft ales available. Im so glad to see this pub open again ill be popping by for a pint or two for sure 🙂

The New Inn

the new inn




Ahhh the ugly. I cant comment much on this pub as im barred for something i really am not sure about. I was told i was not going to be served for nicking a bin? so i asked about and i was told it was a fag bin outside the door? im really not sure, some drunken idiot must have said i nicked a bin or something im not sure its the kind of mentality of the client-el that drink in here. I did used to drink in the new inn and the beer was always flat, low amounts of beer in the fridges, no craft ale just the bitter for the old lot. Dirty dated old toilets and always fag butts outside. I know the bar is used for a friday night karaoke and the way to generate money is to lock people in and take the money of the drunk people as im sure it would not survive on its local trade. I did try to come to some arrangement when i had the smugglers with jan (the current land lady) to work together but she didnt like the fact i was busy, like far to busy and making money in my normal times compared to her having to stay in the pub all night to late, out of licence hours. She made passing comments when i walking home at 11.00pm calling me a lightweight, which a few times i told her i was sticking in the licenced hours and was making enough, this went on for a while till i have to admit i told her to go and fuck off after a few times of hearing it, probably the reason for fabricating the reason for me being barred. So cant comment on this one, i just remember it being scruffy and not much to it. So i would suggest to give a go but thats your choice!……. Ill try it when it gets a new decent landlord and review the pub properly to give it a chance.  The only way to correct this would be to have a proper apology from jan, to be un barred and to be bought a pint on the house, but this wont happen im sure its not in her nature. When i say this is the ugly its not just the pub thats ugly you know what i mean?!….

There you go thats the good, the bad and the ugly


I seen the land lady in town the other day and for a grown woman she is common and disguting mouth on it. She shouts knob head across the pub, im so glad this isnt my mother id be disgusted with her. Now she has taught her scruffy cusotomers to shout knob head to me when i walk past after visiting the better pubs just up the road. I dont know disgusting people. I wouldnt drink in here if you paid me.



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