Please read this carefully and dont book this hotel, i didnt check the reviews and wish i bloody had! now i rang up and paid with a card and booked for saturday the 1st of march and ut cost £55 for a double room with ensuite. Now i rang up a few days before to check as i had no confirmation or anything> they had booked me in for the wednesday so its lucky i rang. So then i thought i better dig a bit deeper and read reviews and to my shock the reviews were warning people not to stay. I arrived at the hotel saturday about 2pm and was disgusted by the hotel and how filthy it was. The place is very unsafe with wires running under the floors and in the bedrooms wires hanging all over and old power sockets in the bathroom which look really unsafe, no shower, bath panels hanging off, dirty kettle – awful deco and just a general filthy hole. So i went into manchester to find another hotel and managed to get in the ibis. I rang the hotel and asked for my monry back and he said this was fine. Then he rang me back saying i had to go all the way back in from manchester to drop the key off to which i replied he wouldn’t refund me then as he only had one key for the room, which if he has only one key for each room in a hotel he is just plain dumb, which was lie to not give me my money back!

As we was walking out another couple came out and the guy said to his partner im sorry it wasnt my fault and she started to cry about the hotel and staying there.

Beware stay away never book here its the biggest dump on the planet.




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