welcome to waynes world – party time – party time.

just like to take some time out to welcome my new visitors – I hope you enjoy what you read
all that i write about is true and basically about linux life and music!!
Yes im the original keyboard gangster !!

Please make sure you read anything i write carefully as its here in black and white so no chinese whispers!!

Anyway just got a curry in the oven for my tea yum yum
Just setup my gear for tonights gig – my PA sounds amazing now i have my EV bass bins back – cheers to promenade music for again giving me a great deal – hell they look after me 🙂

My new project will be unleashed soon were i will show all information on this blog! its a revolution 🙂

Im getting ready for the studio session i have coming up and putting down some fretless – hell my level of playing is getting better every day my slap playing is coming on leaps and bounds

so ready for tonights gig the old wayne is back the musician has been unleashed again 🙂


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