Well its been a while since i wrote a blog i prefer the video blogs now, thats just me being lazy! Been fairly busy with work and as well as getting the ubuntu HD5 phone and ubuntu M10 tablet image20160706_112155528which has been great just what ive been waiting for we also got ubuntu 16.04 LTS so i decided to re-setup my laptop and home media server as well as adding a back up server using the built in back up service in ubuntu which i have to say was breeze to setup and should have done it a long time ago! Sorting out my music collection and files from scratch has been a mission but all went great. Im using owncloud for file and contact / calendar sync which installs on all the devices and just works great. Im now using emby media server which kicks the ass out of plex for lots or reasons and transmision server for the occasional torrent.  Zoneminder for the cameras is the best, rock solid and works well remotely and never burps once you have got over the semi hard task of setting it up with all its niggles with php zones and mysql config files.


Been back and forth to spain as usual and just love the place. Ill be posting some new photos for you to see of malaga and the castle there. Malaga central has to be one of the places to visit. I watch TV and its all marbella this, marbella that! you never visited spain till you been in land and enjoyed spain for what it really is not whats its glammed up to be on TV, as its not all like that trust me.

Band wise ive been out of the picture for a 6 month break and working on my own stuff which has been great, got myself another alembic bass alembic basswhich i love specially for the amount of different noises it makes for recording, ill be putting some stuff out again soon. Ive rolled rubber soul of now and looking around for other bands to mingle and and take a step back and let others do the work! have to say ive had a great time playing with the lads, pauls a good friend and frank getting on as they say and ready for retirement sure kicks the ass out of a lot of drummers ive worked with, style wise can play anything and timing wise cant be beat, great vocalist to. Ive been asked about reunions with old bands which for one im not interested – i dont have time for people who for one are sneaky, underhanded, not loyal and just trouble makers. So on that one get what i created and shove it were the sun dont shine its had its day, talk about flogging a dead horse. Any way to the future and the new music im creating and the new musical experiences i can encounter and new pubs not just the one that will book you.

Now i know all the good people in my life i keep them near, all the others i have for sure rejected and want nothing to do with.

Love, peace and happiness to all the ones i love and karma to the bitches i hate, you know you are.



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