Great rehearsal 2night with blackheart afterglow – quality material – great working with like minded musicians – feel at home playing original weller / ocean color scene / who rock type material plus i get to play guitar and the fretless … well its just amazing !!! this is just one of my projects …. the other project is a little suprise for all my little muso mates out there….. im sure you know whats coming !!!! watch this space its going to be exclusive – real exclusive 😉 ……. ….. …….

anyhow wrote a cool song 2day fuk me my writing skills are coming on leaps and bounds dont know why i never done this before!?! ha
just watched some cool hendrix video to fuel my mind while I sleep – I really dont know why i just didnt play guitar from the beggining I love giving my strat what she likes !

just finished the song tossed salad and 2morro im writing here comes the rain in respect of john lennon – the reverse of here comes the sun 🙂 i have so much on my mind to off load so i can put it in a song real easy – my mind is a mine feild at the moment its pouring from me !…

anyhow get onto facebook and add blackheart afterglow for a new original band and keep watching the wardsters blog for up to date information of whats coming your way soon
make some room lancaster……….

“tonight im a rock and roll star”


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