just popped onto the old facefook to post my gigs for the weekend and i can see digs about me because i said keep music live! damn is nobody entitled to a opinion, i really dont see the point in facebook, if you voice your opinion people will try and poke back at you like two weeks later. Ok lets explain:

I love music and entertaining, i must admit i prefer a real band were they people interact and create and make music, you know its kind of more real. I dont like backing tracks and karaoke although i have done them both. I had some good times doing backing tracks, you can still be a bit creative with backing tracks by playing guitar over the top of the tracks and making it more musical. If you see somebody singing to a backing track all night then its just basically a karaoke singer to me.. give them a guitar to play along and then you have a musician performing for you.. get it? ok you can get some good singers who sing to backing tracks… and? to me i cant stand just to see one person singing al night for one it lacks contrast and they aint really doing that much, yes he or she may be a great singer but sometimes ive seen better singers on the karaoke!. Any way if you dont understand from what ive wrote then you should feel free to contact me on my contact form on here its pretty damn simple. As for me making comments that i dont like factor? so what i think the show is a fix and most of the singers are crap and to say i just play in a cover band just made me scream with laughter. I play in three bands one being natural thing who have been writing a lot longer than any other band in this town (22 years)  and also play obscure songs, i play in another band called top dog again who plays obscure songs in there own way which is a great and dynamic band and i play in a covers band called rubber soul playing mainly beatles and rock and roll, i was brought up on the beatles and rock and roll so i fully enjoy playing in this band playing the music i was brought up on, fkin covers bands get a grip. Im glad i dont mingle on facebook anymore, here is one for you at least im not in the little click, im free unleashed and live for music come watch me on guitar ill do some massive over bends and tear the skin of your face while pulling fuck faces playing real music.

The good news all pubs are allowed to have bands back again so we might start seeing some proper music, meanwhile people who do karaoke and backing tracks keep rocking i have no problem with this its just not my preference of music ? i hope you understand -> duh? I would say musicians are a bad little breed but seems even musician wanna bee’s stick there oar in now, get some practice done and try getting up and performing.

I hope this doent upset people but just makes it clear were i stand. Dont spend your time talking about something i said two weeks ago pick up a guitar a bass or put on a backing track, practice the art.

Peace out, Wardster 🙂


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