We held this months lancaster linux user group meeting on the 2nd wednesday of the month this time to fit in with everyones busy schedules! We havent had a meeting for a few months because we have all been to busy hence the change to the second week! Quite a good turn out so thanks to everyome who turned up! Dave brought his open moko and give us a demo of the new OS he had installed which was pretty slick – he connected it to his laptop and updated the phone using wireless from his laptop which worked nicely then he can install the network app and install the updates and proggies straight from the phone 🙂 nice bit of kit

We talked about installing multiple operating systems on x86 hardware – making it triple boot with linux / mac / windows 🙂

We also discussed various laptops – netbooks and using external devices on the units such as external monitors and keyboards etc.

We also talked about video software and capturing video and audio – i mentioned zoneminder which is a opensource Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. Very mature product – with online viewing of cctv 🙂

I took a look at a toshiba laptop and used the hotkeys – shift and escape to change the boot order in the bios and kicked of a fedora install – i had to leave before the install finished so ill update the blog to let you know if the install finished ok and the laptop works right!!

we also had a long conversation regarding building web pages and uploading them using a ftp client – we talked about using kompozer aka NVU – cross platform software which can get you bulding web pages in minutes take a look here after the site is finished if you can use various ftp clients I use gftp as its nice and easy and very robust take a look here both items should be installable by apt so i would type apt-get install kompozer gftp  – this should install both apps for you 🙂

The linux meetings are held at the brittania pub on ulswater road lancaster on the first wednesday of every month at around 8pm – I would suggest adding yourself to the lug mailing list as some months we may change it to the second wednesday of the month if everyone cant make the first!!!!

Please feel free to come along and talk – newbies welcome!! we cover all areas – linux / mac / windows – servers – laptops – workstations – mobile phones!!! come along and join in – good beer & free wifi!!!!!


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