ive just took the plunge and thought id try google chrome on the mac.. after using firefox from version one its been a while but sometimes nice for a change!! I can say the install was easy but isnt it always on a mac?… the gui is very simplistic and i like this a lot. Now the extensions i needed were mostly for SEO which i found some great ones actually better than the ones i had loaded before! i also found a great little ebay extenesion and a shareaholic extension which lets me post to multiple site! plugged in a nice little search bar and a pretty neat wordpress extension which is handy for fast blogs.. i found the usual digg / delicious and stumble upon extensions and of course xmarks which brought in all my bookmarks which id been syncing with the firefox xmarks extension.. alexa plugin works well so extensions 10/10 !! browser speed and rendering 10/10
so id say go for it ! i love firefox for being a great browser and certainly better than internet explorer – for lots of reasons including security!!!…

give is a whirl… available for windows and apple mac and linux!!!!!!! i just love multiplatform

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