good gig last night ! at the old smokey conners
played upstairs for works do with dan – i like playing rhythm / lead funny how some people are just crap and just think rhythm guitar is just strumming you can do so much with rhythm guitar (if your a natural that is)
got finished up and got a taxi through to lancaster to meet fiona on her work do
its been a while since ive been into lancaster as I dont want trouble from some people
but i thought sod it let them start and show themselves up
Bloody good night went to bentleys and ended up in lounge
although I have to say the bar staff in lounge rip you off if you pay for a double they put singles in
so beware – I personally dont like the place and will not return after they try to rip me off.
Suppose im just used to the good service in my local the george pity there wasnt any other decent watering holes in the area with bands…

just doing my last day of domestic repairs as most of the people in this town either have no money or will harass you as they so desperately need the computer back ! its quiet funny i was going to keep doing some for friends but to be honest ive just tried a few tricks out … ill basically go do a job for a mate for free and then ask them to do me a job for free and it doesn’t seem to work ! mad isnt it they dont want to return the favour – im out of favours – so basically no more mr nice guy – im zero tolerance now I will not be used for a mug by nobody – I no longer do computers for friends or family. Apart from that commercial work is going great – plenty of commercial work and websites.

just got back from marbella – had a smashing time – met some great people – looking forward to going back very soon…

Band stuff is going well black heart afterglow has plenty of gigs for the new year and hecklers is trying a new vocalist this week to kick some asss in the new year 🙂

Got all my bits together for the unlined fretless – this ones called number two and number one is a lined fretless – im going to strip her over the xmas holiday – looking forward to trying my hand at the unlined now my lined technique is spot on and have some great compliments regarding my playing and sound when i use number one. But lets face who can touch me round here? gary this and simon willan are the only people i know who are shit hot !!
calling all bass players….


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