Ive been playing round with SIP clients
works good on iphone out of the bx – got me a local number for free!
Im pretty certain i can get a sip client that will register multiple sip numbers – virtual office…
Just testing on the mac now…
Might set up a sip server again you never know…
Finally im comfy on my new office chair bloody nice bit of kit of the old ebay!!!!! i like cheap !!
New curry house opened up near me the baber elephant – tried out the food was pretty damn impressed!!
Nice bar inside – welcome visit ! happy days
I see facebook added the delete account option ! thats going to fuk quite a few people up!……
Good gig yesterday bill on keyboards – good turn our – i played bass and guitar – kicked out some shit hot solos
fuk im good! i actually enjoyed listening to myself ha ha ha fukin amazing!! my strat and george dennis were sent from above!!

Anyway busy as hell with work – worked in kendal 2day and maybe 2morro — got a few more sites in – shit hot
booked tickets for me and our lass and my partner fred and his lass for level 42 concert – looking forward to freds visit from the USA and going on our road trip from lancaster -> liverpool -> london!!! stopping in some of the finest hotels in the UK !!! amazing
watch my blog for a full write up – and if you are lucky enough to be on my facebook friends list the pictures aswell!!!
saying that i might post the pics on a picasa for my blog fans to check out the exclusive places we stay… keep tuned fans
dont forget vote for wardster
wardism policies are the best and we can put the GREAT back in britain

(please mail for tshirts and mugs)


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