linux users will have noticed that evernote hasn’t released evernote for linux yet they rolled it out on linux and mac osx as per usual oh and on iphone android (which is linux) but no linux version?! crazy.. so we have a few choices..

  • wine and use the windows installer (not likely!)
  • nix note, nice full featured clone version
  • everpad, not a such a clone but ful featured and tied more into to system


evernoteI really dont understand why these apps are not in the app store and having to play about can put some people of as they havent the education to install the packages which is a damn shame, anyway here is were to get the packages

nix note >

To install Everpad all you need to do is run the following commands in terminal:

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install everpad


If your a proper linux geek get in the console, look here

Im going with everpad because it just ties into the top bar and i can create a quick note, plus nixnote didnt want to seem to come down fast this time for me to test out.. i have used it before and found it almost similar to the real evernote application.



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