I reinstalled my Asus EeePC 701 this morning with Ubuntu 8.10 “Intrepid” final release. To my surprise the wireless no longer worked whereas it did in previous releases (beta, etc). Jumping into IRC I was able to find a fix however, and here it is. Installing Backported Kernel ModulesYou’ll need to install a backported kernel module package. In order to do this you’ll also need to activate the backports repository. You can do that in two ways. Navigate to System > Admin > Software Sources :: Updates :: (intrepid-backports) Add “deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse“ After you’ve done either of the above you can then run these commands to install the package: sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-intrepid echo “blacklist ath_pci” | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist At this point you should be able to reboot and you’re done

happy hacking 😉


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