This was one of our extra meetings we added on the third week of the month as we had a home demonstration on linux audio on editing on 64studio by andy at his place.

Present : ken – dave – wayne – andy – mark & richard

Andy showed us audacity – qjackctl – ardour & rezound

I missed the first half hour or so but seems we had a demo on the jackd server and how qjackctl controls it.

Also they discussed the firewire hardware connected to the latop which we can connect various external connections including a balanced microphone connection (XLR) with phantom power and a jack socket connection for guitar also has a spdif connection for digital audio. Then we just connect this into various programs using qjackctl.

We did some simple editing with audacity and rezound. Then we opened the amazing adour and put some guitar and multitrack drum down. Then we sent the these two tracks to another bus and added effects to the two tracks a bit of reverb and some flanger and panned the tracks a bit to add the stereo feel !!

The demo was very good and andy explained this very well !! We also may be looking at extending the demonstration in a month or so and adding the midi functionality to what we was doing tonight !!!

The plugins we were using were ladspa plugins and are available through apt. read more for info…

Ladspa plugins available

mcp-plugins – LADSPA plugins designed for Alsa Modular Synth
caps – C* Audio Plugin Suite
swh-plugins – Steve Harris’s LADSPA plugins
tap-plugins – Tom’s Audio Processing LADSPA plugins
blop – Bandlimited wavetable-based oscillator plugins for LADSPA hosts
cmt – Computer Music Toolkit (cmt) a collection of LADSPA plugins
fil-plugins – parametric equalizer LADSPA plugin
omins – a collection of LADSPA plugins aimed at modular synthesizers
vcf – audio EQ biquad filters for LADSPA

apt-get install mcp-plugins caps swh-plugins tap-plugins blop cmt fil-plugins omins vcf

64studio is a linux – debian based distro setup for video / audio editing out of the box more information here


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