If you have a plam treo 650 and are using kontact then you can sync these together nicely with kpilot – i use this daily and it will sync contacts – calendar & notes with no messing!
Here we go …. as root or sudo user
apt-get install kontact kdepim kpilot (incase you dont have kontact installed)
modprobe visor
now sometimes it doesnt make the the devices properly so do this it works!
mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
mknod /dev/ttyUSB1 c 188 0
mknod /dev/pilot c 188 0
chmod 666 /dev/pilot
Connect the treo n the usb port and open kpilot – now tell kpilot its /dev/pilot dont use auto detect it can mess up on 2.6 kernels! trust me it threw me! put a name into the username what ever you choose as it will write this to the treo on the 1st sync 🙂 follow the wizard to the end and hit the sync button on your treo and kpilot will ask if you want to write the username you entered hit yes and watch it sync away!!!! now open kontact and check out your phone book and calendar…
It should have synced if not try typing dmesg to see if it saw your phone being plugged into the usb port. This has worked for me on numerous machines.
Happy syncing 😉


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