Ok i took the plunge!! I looked into it and i see you can add the real time kernel to open suse 11 so i can still record + i get kde 4! and kontact the latest kontact !!
I got the live cd image down which took 3 hours?? for a 600 meg image! oh well….
I popped in the cd got a live desktop – nice looking apart from not configuring me second monitor i thoght well this will be okay after a reboot job ive seen this during a install before!! Anyway started the install and it kicked of about a partion problem which ive never seen before!! Anyway i thought nothing of it! got through the install which was fairly fast!!!!
Second monitor still doesnt work and isnt detected!! hell! ok ill try and sort that after !
Tried kontact ran through the kolab wizard all goes fine!!!
Try kontact not fine !! agggghhh!!!
After a hour of messing and noticing that half of the apps are for kde 3 and not getting the second monitor to work i thought stuff this ive made a BIG mistake here get back to 64studio which well works!!
Went for the reinstall i have to add a line when im starting the install so it see’s the sata drives
install generic.all_deneric_ide=1
and then it works all cool
apart from suse had removed and stuffed up my data drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shit!!! luckily enough i have all my photos on my laptop!!! which i lost once before and it was a nightmare
But i lost my game collection yes all my top games!!
and wait for it!!!!! my music collection nnnnnoooooooooooooo!!!!!!
I cant tell you how long it took to build this.
Im now looking through my backups
All i can say is be careful back your data up!!!!!!!
And use debian!!!! its never mashed my data before!!
Trust me this wasnt a human mistake this was done by suse Ive been doing this for a long time
now and I wouldnt make these mistakes!!!!!!! baaaaaaaa!


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