Network manager is a package built for looking after your network connections
You have a service working in the background and kde / gnome gui’s which help you connect.
Here is a quick howto which will work on ubuntu and debian

First get root on a console – IE sudo or su – and enter your root password
for kde
apt-get install network-manager-kde network-manager
for gnome
apt-get install network-manager-gnome network-manager

then you have to edit two files – while i in a prompt i use nano if you have’nt got nano then
apt-get install nano
so we type:
nano /etc/network/interfaces
and remove all lines or comment out using a # in front of all lines apart from

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

then press ctrl and x to save type y and enter to save
now type:
nano /etc/group
and add your login name to netdev IE:
then press ctrl and x to save type y and enter to save
then type reboot and enter
Now reboot and logon on kde you will see near your clock on the kicker a network socket with cross through it. Right click on it and select your access point – enter your wep key and security type and hit connect! kwallet will remember your key for all access points you connect to and automatically connect you the next time it can to that access point!

nicely 🙂


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