Hello and sorry for the late meeting minutes!!
We had a short meeting this month as i was also at another meeting on the same night!!!  The morecambe mini club at the strawberry gardens..
Anyway I got there nice and early but some had stole our seats in the green room!! Anyway ken turned up and we had a chat at the bar about vista on his new computer microsofts biggest failure!! then dave turned up and then andy for a while as he had another meeting aswell!!
We had a look at kens new laptop and looked at suse linux 11 – very impressive runnning yast in the console and kstars and a graphic stacking program.
The laptop ran great very responsive I even tried suse out myself after seeing that you can add a realtime kernel patch for audio editing and you get kde 4 built on the new suse 11 live image..  i blogged it at www.wayneward.co.uk

We also talked about various discussions we could have

Me:  Install and setup kolab server – configure domain and users – add shared calendar / contacts / notes / events – add kontact client to kolab server.

Ken – Graphic editing using – gimp / krita – Basic editing and layers.

Andy – Music editing part II- Midi editing

Please let us know if you have anything you would like to talk about
or if you have any comments about the ideas we have if your intrested in these etc.

Wayne 🙂


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