with the recent release of wily werewolf in fact today! i thought id take the plunge. A couple of days ago OTA 7 was made available for the ubuntu touch phone which id been waiting for as id been having a bad experience in regards to phone locking and when selecting a text waiting for the names to show and then waiting for the message to load which was getting pretty annoying and just randoms locks and the phone slowing so thought the OTA 7 would fix this which it did in a way but had to install the OTA 7 update then factory reset the phone, ever since then batter life has been tons better, no white ubuntu-iconscreens on facebook and also gained auth on web pages and copy and paste so i basically can now log on to a remote transmission with the username and password and then copy and paste a remote torrent file which wasnt possible before. The only problem is that auth doesnt remember the user pass so everytime you want to go in you have to input the user pass everytime unless you put the whole user and password in the url getting rid of the browser doing the auth in the first place? but the ability to copy and paste the url makes all the difference 🙂  So far the phones great experienced problems when adding accounts on dekko mail client after upgrade were it crashes adding the smtp account but once added asks for password and just works so not so bad. Just waiting for vpn and a vnc or remote desktop client. File manager gained SMB so it goes to browse my network and finds computers but cant access them as it says no file type, but i just put in smb:// and that shows the file shares available on my server and let me copy files across my network to the phone. The upgrade before i did factory reset also told that i had no music on my phone from the music player but there was music there. After the wipe and reinstall the music appeared and works fine. The OTA makes the phone slicker and is heading in the right direction now.  Roll On OTA 8

Wily Werewolf on the desktop

Because the laptop was all hooked as needed it i tried a dist upgrade which killed my laptop! I booted of a fresh 15.10 wily werewolf DVD and managed to rescue my files to a usb key and the rest was on the ubuntu-1510cloud – nice fresh install and copied across files required and re-setup my cloud which is all great. No noticeable differences apart from my fans are not going crazy on my laptop (dell xps 13) like they was and its defiantly a lot slicker. Own cloud is missing the icon on the top bar like last time but usually fixes when i install everpad but thats not availble yet and never usually is for a week or so, so means i have to use evernote through a browser until somebody rolls the deb files for 15.10 on the PPA…. Installed all my usual programs and used all the preinstalled drivers, tested steam and it goes like the clappers with killing floor so dont see no need in installing the graphics driver using the intel installer as it wont be available yet anyway! If your looking at upgrading take a back up! But i prefer a fresh install anyway. Roll on 16.10 and convergence……………..


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