Well what a great turn out for the lancaster lug!

I got to the brit at 7.30 and thought oh no!! Please turn up! anyway i just ordered a pint and in walks ken with his hands full laptop and the demonstration kit! yes the first night we get a demonstration and a very intersting demonstration! We talked for a while about distros and other linux related topics and it wasn’t long before we before we was joined by dave paul and mark! We had our introductions and it seemed obvious we had a mixed bunch of linux users here which is great! dave sporting the lancaster lug tshirt!!
We were deep in conversation about linux of course! when a guy randomly asked is this a linux user group!?! We said yes!! he said great and introduced hiself and said he would like to attend the next meeting on the first wednesday of next month cooool!
Any way we discused different distros – ubuntu – debian -novell – redhat – mandiva and get this unix and open vms!!
We talked desktops kde gnome and i gave a brief on kolab server which is something i will be demonstrating over the net few weeks..
Then ken give us a quick demonstration on kstars and a modified webcam for Astrophotography and a pic programmer which operates two motors Very good demonstration which i didnt expect on the first night!
we also discussed laptops I showed of my asus Eee pc running debian which was a eye opener! and we looked at the other laptops which were both IBMs running ubuntu.

Anyway this was a great meeting and we will be at the brit next month on the first wednesday.
Im very happy with the turn out the conversation and we all bonded great!!

Ive also added another blog to my blogs for ken to install networkwork manager for kde to help his connection to wireless networks without hassle

Wayne 🙂

ps kens site for information on astrophotography and some other items is

My blog is


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