Lancaster Linux Meeting
September 3rd 2008
People present
ken – dave – wayne – andy – chris – matt a.k.a trout – mark
Various talks on laptops and virtualization using virtualbox. We had a quick talk on 64studio and jackd and the power it has for connecting devices and programs together.
Matt & trout talked about devel and kernel processes and running linux X programs in vista using a module im not sure what he used to do this if anyone has information this could be quite handy for someone… we also had some entertaining chat on older versions of linux including quite a bad bad bit of patching in redhat 6.3!!
We had a look at various laptops that run windows and linux out of the box andy has one from linux emporium which come pre-loaded with ubuntu. WE looked at dell’s latop offerings and HP. running suse and activation and talked about finger print security
Matt talked about doing a talk on coding and were to start. Which raised a lot of intrest.
We also may be taking a visit to access space sheffield were they have open source discusions and projects.
If anyone is intrested in a visit this please let us know.
We may be holding some of our talks at the basement single step penny st. They have a projector and is ideal for giving demonstrations.
It looks like the lug websites maybe coming back into action this week and me and dave will both be getting access to the webspace etc. We will be making changes to the content and would like any feedback on items you might want to see in the new lancaster lug website.
We still need to confirm who will attend the 64studio demo at andys house on the 17th of september.
Thanks for coming we are now up to 7 turning up to the meeting which is pretty good for the second meeting!!!!


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