To install the kolab groupware server on debian etch go here

Now i see there is problems when installing on lenny all though it does work

Now my two main problems and i see other people having the same problems when I google’d it was cant login to the horde webmail and not being able to send emails.

Right so you got it all boot strapped using the above install instructions
now when you did the boot strap did you call your mail server the same as your local hostname?? no then you wont be able to log in to the horde webmail system my mail server is called which i entered into the bootstrap now you must have that added to your local host line in /etc/hosts so you line reads localhost
Now horde will work!!!

Cant send emails? go into the manager Url and settings and simply enable accept internet mail and save settings and try again if this doesn’t work then you have the problem i have clam isnt building right im just waiting for a update so i can compile it from source – anyway just untick Amavis Email Scanning (Virus/Spam) and apply and test again.
That should be working now!


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