Im just getting all the apps required for intrepid here is my extra apt repositories so far..
##amarok 2 beta
deb intrepid main
## flash and w32codecs
deb intrepid free non-free
##smb4k for kde
deb intrepid main

apt-get install smb4k smbfs (for smb4k)
apt-get install amarok-kde4 (for amarok 2)
apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree (for flash plugin)

now the next reposoitory is to get the latest kernel for kubuntu 8.10 on the asus
deb intrepid eee


apt-get install linux-image-eeepc
apt-get install linux-eeepc-lean (for the new lean cut down kernel)
this will install all required packages with all fixes for the new asus 701SD

Im looking at the k3b kde 4 for version setup now…..


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