The intel ubuntu compute stick.684489-707104-290

This is a computer on a stick, big features include hdmi, bluetooth sd card slot, wifi and a 1.33 GHz quad-core Intel Atom Z3735F processor at the attractive price of seventy five pounds plus vat! the downside is this has one gig of ram and 8 gig of storage. For one the ram is only enough to say run your browser and a couple of tabs! The space on the 8 gig is consumed by a restore image and a one gig swap file leaving 6 gig which is almost taken fully by the finished install, I installed a few required tools and it filled it! so i hacked the install to use the SD card for my home folder otherwise your well screwed. If you dont know how to hack the fstab and add the sd card as a home folder im pretty sure you ill run into trouble straight away. I use this for my desktop computer or a coupke of mornings a week for a say 5 hours and just do general tech support on it. IE web browser open couple of tabs and team viewer and everpad is the limit. Im looking at pulling the plug on it around 3 or four times in this time as it just the swap and memory full. Im going to add a one gig swap file on the sd card and see how i get on with that …..Screenshot from 2015-08-11 09:46:21


to finish up id recommend to nobody to buy one of these sticks unless they can hack away at it or you will just be disappointed id buy the windows version which has 2 gig of ram and 32 gig storage and learn how to hack ubuntu on it as the ubuntu version to me is just a total waste of time and effort.



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