Seeing im getting the G1 google phone in the morning i thought id set myself up a google account as its part of the requirements – Basically when you add a date a contact it autmatically puts them into your google account. Which for one backs the data up for you so if you losse your phone no worries!! You can give people access to read your calendar & i added the settings into my kontact to sync my calendar dates (you need gcaldeamon).
Any way i was just setting all this up when i fell across google bookmarks!
Well i host my own sitebar which is a bookmark mananger its good but a bit of hassle to add bookmarks. With google bookmarks you plug a extension into firefox add the bookmark icon to firefox – Sign in and start adding bookmarks!! easy so all your bookmarks are kept on line so handy if you move around computers – plus you can edit the bookmarks and folders easily from firefox or go to your home page – igoogle – yep thats another bit of kit to investigate…
Need to start looking at shares…!!


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