Well im all settled in using ubuntu – and gnome! – I havent used gnome for over 7 years or so now, im very happy with it ive not its a lot slicker than kde 4!! I have the latest version of evolution which allows me to connect my – mail / calendar & emails on google, so ive changed mail hosting for free to google moved MX records and setup shared calendar and contacts etc so i have have a full sync between my google phone and evolution works perfectly! and without having to host my own kolab server!! google allows upto 200 users aswell and paid accounts can be setup for corporates!

As for gnome its come on leaps and bounds for me being a KDE lover !
its well intergrated plenty of good apps and so much slicker its pretty much like kde 3.5.9 compared to kde 4 (a world of difference!)
Im finding it very productive for business and the uptime has been great so far… on the asus I had some problems as i used the kernel from array.org which is designed for the extra hot keys and other little things for the asus to function but i had problems with audio skipping which is pretty bad as i use the laptop for my act for backing tracks so when its skipped it was a little embarassing so i upgraded to the lastest ubuntu kernel last night and backported the wifi driver and its all fine now in fact it more responsive and my wifi strength has doubled??!! Ive just today added the getdeb repository and got the latest versions of ardour pidgin / wine and some other quality apps plus it installs the deb for google gadgets!

So happy days computer wise!!

On android …
Quality phone ive now got a blog manager – facebook – wifi radar – picasa photo that connects to my online photo storage! terminal with full root ssh client and server! irc / msn and full mail contact calendar sync with google and evolution that just runs in the background with out any complication! Ive also sussed how to copy and paste which we couldnt do on the on the iphone!?

So yes gnome + google + google phone = productive and happy!!!…


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