Like i say ive been running kde desktop for over seven years now and my sudden change back to gnome has been very slick.
Again id say gnome is way slicker than than kde and more integrated although kde 4 is eye candy!
So here it is my recommended application list:

Number one app is evolution defo!! This is a replacement for outlook – infact it eats it 🙂 it can connect to a exchange server if required and now connects to google services which i require. Calendar / contacts / tasks / notes – Cant blog with it yet like kontact …. but 10/10 for me

Parcellite – This is just a clipboard manager as gnome doesn’t come with one by default which i find a bit bizarre! Well this locks into the taskbar and you can select text you have copy and pasted – Very handy. 10/10

Giver – Now this is handy ! Do you have a few gnome users on your network?.. This little app sits in the taskbar – now say you have a file to share or photo etc click on giver and it shows you a list of people available on your network – simply click on them and it pops up with a browse box for the file or folder you want to send, it then pops up at the other users desktop asking them if they want the file!! Easier then saving to a file share 10/10

Drivel – Ive already blogged about this but this app deserves a second mention. If you blog to a wordpress blog this is the dogs plums – Very complete blog manager. Create blogs – view recent blogs – 9/10 – this would be 10 out of 10 if you could minimise to the taskbar……

Pidgin Messenger – Good messaging program – now this does IRC – msn – googletalk and lots of other connectors – Loads of plugins – easy to use and configure – this is a winner 10/10

Filezilla – Excellent program for FTP – very polished and has secure ftp options and site manager. 10/10

Bluefish – Html editor – great app for web page editing supports php and has lots of tools – very clean 10/10

qbittorrent – quality bittorrent program – very straight forward – has web based gui plugin aswell. 10/10

Firefox – this is by far the best browser on the planet – loads of extensions available – fast – secure 10/10

Rhythmbox – Great music player – ive tried all the gnome one and this is the default and the best! connects to daap shares- album art – last fm etc nice front end – easy interface.

Well thats 10 apps!! Well here is one more its not a gnome app its java but worth a mention because im always buying items of ebay! now i want to win so i installed jbidwatcher and this just snipes away for me !! i havent lost one thing since i installed it!! give it a try …..

Move to gnome its were its at!!!!!!!!!


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