tile11-350x200I managed to get all systems hooked into vivid vervet yesterday, id potentially held the upgrade due to intel drivers on my xps sputnik and brand new shining intel nuc i3. The intel graphics driver that gives the acceleration for games, steam etc is required on a stock ubuntu install and is currently only supported on 14.10 by intel. But like all good hackers i deceided to take the plunge and go through out seeing the team at canonical just dished me vivid for my BQ4.5. The nuc was playing up a tad and this is my main CCTV system for the house and unfortunately at this precise moment in time with my harassing weird neighbours i need to have my car / house and all angles covered! i use zoneminder in a full  time recording no motion just full so i dont miss a thing, i have this serving 5 cameras and throwing alerts and remote viewing to my mobile which i watch full time when on high alert! any way i wanted it on on vivid with the intel drivers and this fix does it nicely ..

run this

sudo nano /etc/lsb-release

and add this DISTRIB_RELEASE=14.10

for now just put a hash in front of the other lines.

then download this ( i have ubuntu vivid 64 bit so downloaded 14.10 64 bit from here -> https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads

then you will need this libopenvg1-mesa as the installer doesnt know were to pull this from i just got it  from here -> http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mesa/libopenvg1-mesa-dbg_8.0.2-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb

install the libopenvg1 then install the intel deb then i went to my programs and started the intel installer – this should run all the way through and then reboot and you got the updated graphic drivers!



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