Beware steam lovers on Mac OSX 

I love moving to the latest versions of Mac OSX but being warned if you upgrade it will break loads of things like 32 bit apps removed is just backwards – so do you stay on a old outdated version of Mac for ever !! luckily enough I only need steam. I don’t really get a lot of time to sit behind a screen vegetating over games im a kind of a get out into the big wide world type person but every now and then a game of gta to get away from the world is great specially when locked down due to corona virus!! So I get onto the iMac I don’t get to use a lot and fire up steam.. it updates and wahhh laaa …

as you can see all not available to run apart from one!! agggghhhhh!so I updated the steam app still no joy !! so I looked and there is no support for all my games now! how crap is that! now im not sure if steam is going to fix this but I wasn’t hanging around! So along comes crossover check this out!

not only does crossover run my steam games but lots of other applications and yes 32 applications!! bingo! and for a cheap version with no support etc 32 euro! bargain! so I got the trial to test and installed steam from inside the application and logged into my account and I got all my games back!

the games run perfect so im happy at 32 euro until steam or apple do something about this, but im thinking apple won’t change I think the cleaver people at steam will have to add the 32 bit emulation for all the people who paid them for games, the solution they suggest is boot camp or installing a older version of windows on a USB key to boot off now thats just backwards!!

all I need now is…

many thanks to imageoptim for compressing my images! the screen shots where over 2 meg and wouldn’t upload check it out here


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