I just created my first midi triggers!!

Im just setting myself up for a whole new music show for this year – ive made a lot of changes in the way i loose the effects pedal for vocals and all the effects pedals for guitar and a new addition is a full lighting system using open dmx – i have laser / floor LED pars  / smoke machine and also pin spot on a moving head.

Also ive got the behringer fcb1010 connected to guitarix for my guitar effects which was my original idea at looking at amp modelling and turned into creating a full automated show! I can automate the guitar but i dont want that i like to do this myself and have the option to have what i want at any time with the guitar.

The show is created with linux show player which will take in audio tracks and media cues to trigger slight shows and effects. With this on the video you can see the delay is on as soon as i activate – ive turned off vocal delay as the first trigger which sets it to dry. it then waits for my single usb footswitch that sends a space bar or any key i assign and then triggers the delay level to what ever i want to if the song needs heavier echo this gets activated at the same time as it triggers the song . At the end of the song the trigger sets the delay to dry again so i can speak and waits for the pedal. The software also replay gains all the songs levelling them up and each track has its own EQ which is handy if you have weak songs on the bottom end.

Here is the software im using.  http://linux-show-player.sourceforge.net/

And rakarrack is a awsome guitar effects application which im using for the vocals – ive got compression / limiter / EQ / echo / delays / reverbs and multiple variation which also i can pick from the trigger for each song.

here is a link for rararrack http://rakarrack.sourceforge.net/

the next step which ive already connected and working on is making the light sequences and then triggering the light presets to each song so each song has its own light / laser and smoke show. And here is the link for this http://www.qlcplus.org/

All this is done by using midi which hasnt taken long to pick up at all to be honest. But is a learning curve!!

Have to say a massive thanks to the guys at linux show player for helping my out over the past couple of days. Awesome.

here is a demo of the echo being on and me triggering – selects echo dry – starts intro music i fast forward music manually which then waits – then i press go on or foot key press and turns ehco on and starts the song.


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