yes its 2015, i know im late but here we are!!

Its been a weird year obviously still being hassled by friends, family and who ever else wants to stick the oar in!

it ranges from jealousy  to just basically knowing my name! i dont really give a fuck to be honest i just get on with my life but obviously people are not happy to see me happy with lisa. Ive pretty much summed up that most people (generally female species) try stick there fukin noses in my business  i just generally pity them to be honest but its usually because they got fuk all else to do and the jealosy just pores from them, i dont blame them really must be hard seeing me and lisa get on the wreck, stop in fancy hotels, eat in posh restaurants and spend half the year in spain, oh well haha. Probably the oddest person i know who reminds me of a little sicko sad weird stalker is that irv he still still stares at me when im out has to removed from the pubs silly ugly fuka cant get a bird because he is so weird, should try not being such a hard man when he has had a pint and hitting women why the fuk any woman wants to go out with somebody she would get a black eye of is beyond me! stalking you on xmas day and scratching your car up?! fuk that proper sad bastard. any how enough of sados….

wayne paul ward


I decided for this year to drop revival and rubber soul they have served there time and its been great but just turning into to much maintenance, so this weekend im leaving both units. The good news is i have a new bass player and drummer lined up for a new project. But mainly ive got myself a new martin acoustic and a recording console and going back to basics recording my own stuff, ive got a album to complete then hopefully work on a full set of tunes for a full gig.

technology wise ive been gearing well towards ubuntu boxes using kvm, backup services, backup servers full on enterprise stuubuntu-logo2ff.

The kvm stuff is amazing if your looking at hosting stable virtual machines, also some good external android apps available to control the boxes. Im just looking in to zentyal and UrBackup which ill be doing full write ups on.

Music wise im getting rid of the many guitars and other items ive got hanging around, ill stick with the gibson firebird as ive found nothing to match it! and ive tried a gibson les paul and two gibson standard sg’s! ive dumped of all the acoustics and got myself a martin (smart move) and although ive got a great pc rig and focusrite im just getting a small hardisk multi track recorder, basically i just want to go back to basics and learn some good mic-ing techniques then il move to the pc and do the editing stuff.

In regards to listening to music im going to start venturing out again probably lancaster, kendal and probably preston manchester. do some open mic stuff and watch some bands. Im sick to death of the shite in morecambe, you find the the places just have the same bands all the time its shite not variety or worse karaoke, load of piss heads singing out of tune. All i can say is if they like that fair play i just fukin dont, i like a real band or acoustic session – i like fresh acts – morecambe just doesnt have that the bands from round here just keep banging the same places so why do you want to go and see the same bands all fucking time? naaaa it aint about just getting pissed and watching the same shite for me.

got a few holidays planned this year in spain and some other stuff going on which ill keep to myself for now, but ill be there mid year ,round october and for sure there december, dont see the point hanging round here and getting shit of people and certainly dont plan spending xmas talking about fuking dogs!

bought us a new little 50cc scooter to use as a parking cone because i live next door to a fat munter who is a trouble maker and gets her dad to threataning to do me in, stupid bitch! she was alternating her car with her fella to stop me from parking but that cant afford to run it so got one scraper now. So i have the scooter outside the house move it and put my car in it, reserved parking is good its what i deserve because im better than her. Plus i like going for a razz on it its fun haha. Supplied by lancaster motorcycles check them out!

nice seeing my new addition harper my new granddaughter this year she is a little cracker, i love lexi to bits and enjoy seeing my daughter sian as much as possible good thing is she is quite grown up and understands I have my own life so if we miss a week or two its nothing worth crying about we just keep in touch simples . My lad james has buggered of for a while fair play to the lad nowt round here!

what we have to realise is we cant be selfish and think of ourselves if somebody is happy let them get on with it and just try and concentrate on our own lives and last but not least wether we are man or beat there is no cure for age im sorry but we all get old and we all die, just accept this.


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