before i start my blog about top dog splitting up please be aware this is the personal blog of wayne ward if you do not like what i write don’t visit my site, it belongs to me and i write what i please I’ve not had a voice for a year because people get offended by what i say or do, well tough either get about your business or read the paper, the sports good or the sun or the visitor (full of has beens)

yes again I’ve been forced out under hand isn’t the word any how I’m not going to it to much as the band was going nowhere as the organiser it was to much hard work having to have two drummers two bass players all that messing about and no i don’t want to play there and all the bollocks so yes its ended dunno what they are going out as don’t give a shite really! 


anyway on a positive side i had already started putting another unit together already but this time not rushing into picking the wrongs guys for the unit, Im going for the cream of the crop and loyal band members as well, I’m looking at commitment and building a team were the band members are as one unit and loyal towards one another. Cant be doing with messers! anyway we are going to be doing some great delta blues right through to some hard hitting R&B, I’ve cherry picked out probably one of the finest blues guitarists I’ve ever played with in my career, mr cliff newby, all round great guy animal blues player, plays with such moderation and blues feeling and just lets say has that sound 😉 I’ve got steven king, now steven is a great blues singer can sing some real down low blues without getting lost in the mix were you don’t know what he is singing, very focused, plus the guy is a amazing harmonica player and all boasts the ability to play sax and play guitar! if you want to here somebody sing like weller you should check steve out he is amazing. I know it would be the great backbone for me on bass but I’m far better playing slide and keeping a chunky rhythm going and some great backing vocals…. 

all i need now is a monster bass player to drive this and a diverse tight drummer to hold all this together. This is going to be the best blues band in this area so now is your opportunity to join a amazing band nothing will touch it trust me – mail me on for details on this amazing blues band.

Finally I have a voice back i can say what i like 🙂 good luck.


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