I sussed out the reason facebook nearly shut my account down!!

Because of a photo with some added text! If you look through my photo albums there is a album called wankers – now that meant it contained pictures or wankers that i dont like! But now there is only one wanker in there!!!  There was another picture of a prick called richard farmer who i had the pleasure being his manager and basically because he couldnt do his job i told him to pull is socks up or go back stacking shelves it a shopping centre – so he bubbled me to the managers and with that it had a added caption that read – this guy is a prick if you ever see him in lancaster punch him and ill buy you a pint!! so this violates facebook policies. So i get the picture removed and nearly account shut down!!! So watch what you are doing kid!

Oh that pint still stands unless i get to him 1st… :-)……. :-)…..


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