hey a quick blog update busy as hell and when not enjoying my new chill room at home – band stuff is going great, just done a few studio take with natural thing and top. The top demo is being extended into a album and will be available on itunes very shortly!!! Ive got sunday jam coming back of  again at the tavern scale hall so watch this space!… got some of the old crew the two pauls and ace drummer and singer frank!! lets get it rolling .top notch, just had chamber of commerce asking me to like them on facebook they can fuck right off writing bullshit stories id forgive them if they let me go in and write a story and fuk somebody over see how that goes down -> bosh. Another few comments about my grammar listen i dont give a fuck if you understand what i right even if its not written right who gives a fuck sharing my views on facebook im not gonna sit there like a right twat spell checking it all, i dont need to know how to spell my mind is far greater than anybody who brings that shit to me, i personally think they usually have fuck all better to do now fuck off and do something that amuses your mind. Also had a few phone calls i can tell when people lie to me when there talking on the phone fukin annoys me like yer alright yer -> fuk off 😉

any way on the other hand im cool 🙂 rant over !!! tara


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