well ive been so busy stuck behind the screen working on the new project – its been released to a few beta testers and I have a small list of bugs in fact the small list was stuff I already knew about so thats not so bad!! so we are looking at maybe a month until release so i will be leaking information over the next few weeks…
im taking 3 hours practice on the basses today and hour 2morro and i might go and have a jam at the park 2morro which is fun getting chance to play a bit of bass and sing! although its a stuggle to get a slap part in with it not being my bass and its not setup for it so I usually have to take 2 runs at it!
Im going to set all the gear up and get some rehearsing in sing and playing guitar this week as since the split ive had to carry on the gigs with my dad so we have got to get ready for the 1st one next week! im not that bothered as my dad is just no messing drop him in and were away and visa versa! im just so lucky to be able to be able to have a farther son duo.. i need to learn a couple of guitar solos beatles get back and live for ever oasis which ill chew as they aint that hard.
The funny thing is when im in a band and duo i get no work as soon as i walk i get battered with gigs!!! so im booking them im now booked solid infact im out every weekend for a while!! Tonight is the only night ive got of in a couple of months!
I dont know but i feel ive had aweight lifted of my shoulders and now im not on hold im moving forward….. if anybody wants to book a band or a duo please drop me a email or leave a comment on here.
Couple of computers to do today on my day off but hey another day another $$$ i cant complain I dont have to get my hands dirty -> happy days 🙂 Might go and check a band out 2night seeing i got a night off -> lancaster seems to have a lot of up and coming musos and repative bands in the penny bank suppose its alright if you cant get gigs! i find the pub has pretty time served musicians and morecambe we have ma murpheys and the bath were we seem again to get time served musicians which is good keeps out the crap -> hot spots for duos and single acts in morecambe are the lord nelson and smokey o conners! musnt forget a mention about the yorkshire house in lancaster of course its probebly been going the longest now! quiet a bit of choice as long i see some decent musicians…
right were is that fretless time to become that popstar! not! i mean time to get untouchable again 😉
adios my little blog buddies


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