tested out the new orange rig sunday, used the gibson firebird through it – amazing stuff – the orange head is the dual terror, nice and easy to use one

orange rigtone control for each of the dual channels,  one gain and one volume for each channel. Also has half power / full power and switch to turn off two of the output valves which gives you 7w – 15 – 30w. Ive added the orange closed back 2×12 which is a bloody heavy cab but nothing touches it, i had the marshall cab before with a open back and it came nowhere near it. Three outputs on the back 2×8 ohm and 1x16ohn which my orange cab is. Volume wise this amp is great for home to quite big gigs don’t let the 30w get you thinking thats not loud because this thing could kick the ass out of any 100w tranny amp! plus it sounds better, you cant beat tubes for guitar end of. I an get any sound i want with the orange head and it has a nice grunt to it. It has one socket for a footswitch for switching channels and the one thing that would have been nice but not critical is no reverb but thats not the end of the earth – I’ve got a reverb and a delay pedal – plus this amp is so good i don’t need crappy effects really you can play this one dry. Okay to the point orange stuff is expensive yes its very good and I have to say better than any other amp I’ve used including my george dennis 15w blue beetle which i still own and cherish – i have to say the orange stuff just sounds like a guitar should do – real natural and a extra bonus of looking cooler than your pals in  the band!! ha ha 😉 The amp head comes in a great quality carry bag sporting the orange logo and a great shoulder strap for lugging it about – also a compartment on the front for the power lead and a few jack leads.

The firebird sounds amazing through but what do you expect its a gibson!? plenty of grunt and sounding lovely when played subtle, the stat when tested at home was very bright were i had to tone it down a bit – very crisp and clean.

I am considering getting the 1×12 for the smaller gig the fact they are half the price and not made in the UK but in china and don’t have the same build quality is slightly of putting to me – I think ill hang on till they real ease maybe a english one……

conclusion – save up buy one its a investment and a honour.

jut got the footswitch and cab cover to order this week!!!


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